
Yopo is a tree native to South America and the Caribbean, also known by its scientific name, Anadenanthera peregrina. You might also see it called jopo, cohoba, parica, or calcium tree. It grows to twenty metres and produces copious amounts of seed pods.

Yopo is extracted from this tree by grinding the seeds of the plant into power or making it into a cake form before converting it to powder during usage. The yopo snuff is smokable via a pipe or snortable up the nose through a tube. Traditionally, someone else would blow the snuff into your nose.

Yopo is used in healing and religious rituals among indigenous cultures wherever it grows. It contains DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and bufotenin, among other compounds.

Yopo gives a combined feeling of the Buffo alvarius and Ayahuasca. Iit gives a deep feeling of cleansing and spiritual connection and also a confrontation with ego and an undeniable consciousness of unity.

Another amazing benefit of this plant is that it temporarily removes the mask covering the character we use to carry out our daily life and lets us see the image of who we truly are. This experience lets you to feel an immeasurable feeling of appreciation and understanding of things around us. It helps in the process of rediscovering of oneself and let you experience a strong feeling of pure love.